
A mulitarmed bandit to A/B test go projects, or other languages via an HTTP API. It uses a log based data flow. Based on John Myles Whites' book "Bandit Algorithms for Website Optimization"

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A mulitarmed bandit to A/B test go projects, or other languages via an HTTP API. It uses a log-based data flow. Based on John Myles White's Bandit Algorithms for Website Optimization. Full documentation is available on godoc.

You can see a general introduction to Multiarmed Bandits here.

Build bandit with make. You need go >= 1.1.1..

Data Flow

A bandit instance is embedded into e.g. an HTTP server. Incoming requests select a variant from an experiment, and then log that selection. Subsequent positive feedback from that selection, e.g. a click, is also logged.

Periodically, bandit-job aggregates selections and rewards from the logs, re- calculates variant distribution, and emits a snapshot file to some shared storage. The bandit polls for updates to that snapshot file and hot-reloads the distribution on change.

+----------+           +----------+                +------------+
| Bandit   |--select-->| Log      |- - periodic - >| bandit-job |
| instance |--reward-->| storage  |                |            |
+----------+           +----------+                +------------+
     ^                                                    |
     |                 +----------+                       |
     '---------poll----| Snapshot |<----------------------'

bandit-job expects log lines in the following format:

1379257984 BanditSelection shape-20130822:1
1379257987 BanditReward shape-20130822:1 0.000000

Notice that the reward line includes the variant tag. It is up to you to transport this tag through your system.


A Bandit is used to select arms and update arms with reward information:

type Bandit interface {
  SelectArm() int
  Update(arm int, reward float64)

You will probably not use bandits directly. Instead, a Bandit is put to work inside an Experiment. You set up experiments (e.g. signup form buttons) with as many variants as you like (e.g. blue button, red button):

  +--------+            +---------------+      periodic job
  | Bandit | 1 <----- 1 | Snapshot file | <--- aggregates logs
  +--------+            +---------------+      into counters
+------------+         +---------+
| Experiment | 1 --> * | Variant |
|------------|         |---------|
| name       |         | tag     |
+------------+         | url     |

Integrating and running experiments

To use a bandit, you first have to define an experiment and its variants. This is currently configured as a TSV with a name, URL, and tag. See experiments.tsv for an example.

Choose the best integration for your project depending on whether you have a client side javascript application, a go project, or a project in some other language.

Integration with Javascript and the HTTP API

Run bandit-api -port 80 -apiExperiments experiments.tsv to start the endpoint with the provided test experiments.

In this scenario, the application makes a request to the API endpoint and then a second request to your API.

             Bandit HTTP API
Javascript   Select   Reward   Your API
----------   ------   ------   --------
     |-------->|                  |
     |<--------|                  |
     |                            |

Get a variant from the HTTP API first:

GET https://api/experiements/widgets?uid=11 HTTP/1.0

The API responds with a variant:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/json

  uid: 11,
  experiment: "widgets",
  url: "https://api/widget?color=blue"
  tag: "widget-sauce-flf89"

The client can now follow up with a request to the returned widget:

GET https://api/widget?color=blue HTTP/1.0

See the exampe binary and example/index.html for a running example.

Integration in another language using the HTTP API

Launch the HTTP API as above. When you get a request to your endpoint, make a backend request to the HTTP API. Use the returned variant to vary.

Integration with Go projects

First, load an experiment.

experiments := bandit.NewFileOpener("experiments.tsv")
e, err := bandit.NewExperiment(experiments, "shape-20130822")
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("could not construct experiment: %s", err.Error())

snapshot := bandit.NewFileOpener("shape-20130822.tsv")
if err := e.InitDelayedBandit(snapshot, 3 * time.Hours); err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("could initialize bandits: %s", err.Error())


Initialize your own variant code if necessary. Then, serve. In each request, select a variant via the experiment and serve it. Be sure to include the tag in the response, so your clients can pass it back with rewards.

Miscellaneous information

Aggregating Logs

In a production setting logs are aggregated as described in Data Flow. You can use bandit-job as a streaming map reduce job with bandit-job -kind map and bandit-job -kind reduce. You can also run over the logs wiht bandit-job -kind poll. See bandit-job -h for information.

Bandit Algorithms

You can currently choose between Epsilon Greedy, UCB1 and Softmax. See the godoc for detailed information.


The bandit/sim package includes the facility to simulate and plot experiemnts. You should run your own simulations before putting experiments into production. See the sim package for details. You can run bandit-plot to see some out of the box simulations.


Version: 0.0.0-alpha.1

The API is currently not stable and is subject to change at any time.



Developed by

Thanks to for advice and opinions to